No Excuses. Now is the time for action

Are you a ‘wolf’ or a ‘sheep’? Do you like to make things happen or watch things happen? Well my friends, it takes a ‘wolf’ to make things happen. So if you have a ‘wolf’ inside of you screaming to make that business idea you have had for some time become a reality, now is the time for you to take action. No more excuses amigos. Don’t over think it or try to figure out everything all at once. Understand that making mistakes is an important and valuable part of the process so don’t seek perfection. It doesn’t exist. Instead, brave it and jump on the train.

See, the problem is that every day you delay taking the actions that will take you closer to your dream, you are simply pushing your dream out some more. Everyday you spend trying to make sure all the stars are perfectly lined up, is yet another day you have moved your goal post further out. Even if you stumble, even if you fall, be the ‘wolf’ and rise up to the challenge because you know you are capable and there is no mountain high enough to stop you.

Remember that yesterday had its chance. Tomorrow’s chances depend on the actions you take today. Imagine YOU on December 31st; will your goals be met? Will you regret the actions you didn’t take? If YOU on December 31st could speak to YOU today, I bet she/he will be pleading with you to take more action and to leave no stone unturned.  Instead of waiting until December 31st to beat yourself up on turns you didn’t take and paths you could have pursued that you didn’t, I say commit today to give your 150%. Leave no possible action left behind and commit to focus and fully engage in the small actions that will take you to where you want to be. If you stumble along the way, so be it as long as you keep moving.

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get this show on the road. First things first, for those who are not quite set up yet, I will put together an actionable series  in a few weeks that you can use to help you snap out of your block and get this show on the road. If your business is already set up, don’t worry, you can follow along to see if there are any steps you can use to fine-tune your enterprise. I will not do this discussion in one email to avoid overwhelming you. I will take you through different steps so that once done, you will be good and ready to go.

So no excuses friends, this coming week is all about taking action to get up for success.

Join fellow entrepreneurs for an actionable strategy every week to help break free from the grind and build a productive high-impact happy, healthy, and wealthy lifestyle.


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